Digital Guardian Advanced Threat Protection: Visibility and Behavior-Based Detection (Video Demo)
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Digital Guardian’s data protection capabilities go well beyond traditional DLP – watch our latest video demos to learn how our Advanced Threat Protection provides unparalleled visibility and behavior-based detection of advanced attacks.
Evolving threats have driven a shift in enterprise security strategy; while prevention was once the primary focus of security teams, sophisticated threats have made incident detection and response the top priority for many security professionals today.
Digital Guardian is a long-standing leader in the data loss prevention space, but our data protection capabilities have evolved with the threat landscape to provide far more than just traditional prevention. Using our endpoint agent’s kernel-level visibility and real-time behavioral correlation, our industry-leading data protection platform now includes Advanced Threat Protection to enable faster and more accurate threat and incident detection with automated response and alerting to stop attacks in real time.
Watch the following demo videos to learn more about how our deep visibility and behavior-based detection make Digital Guardian Advanced Threat Protection the next generation of data protection.
Digital Guardian Advanced Threat Protection: Increased visibility for faster threat response
Distinguishing malicious processes from business processes with Digital Guardian ATP
If you’re interested in seeing how the Digital Guardian Data Protection Platform can secure your data, contact us for a custom demo. Stay tuned for more videos to see how we can protect your sensitive data anytime, anywhere.
Recommended Resources
All the essential information you need about DLP in one eBook.
Expert views on the challenges of today & tomorrow.
The details on our platform architecture, how it works, and your deployment options.