Number of GDPR Fines Rose 7x in 2021
The cost is skewed by massive fines but a new survey shows there was still a steady increase in the number of GDPR fines across the EU last year.
The cost is skewed by massive fines but a new survey shows there was still a steady increase in the number of GDPR fines across the EU last year.
The sum, the second highest GDPR fine to date, stems from a 2018 investigation into the company's data privacy practices.
New standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission are designed to comply with requirements for safe data transfers.
The guidelines are supposed to help data controllers when it comes to deciding how to handle data breaches and what factors to consider during risk assessment.
The figure, about 272.5 million euros, corresponds to 281,000 data breach notifications issued by regulators across Europe since GDPR went into effect.
The apparel company H&M is being asked to pay a 35 million Euro fine, roughly $41 million dollars, stemming from a GDPR violation.
A new framework published by the UK Information Commissioner's Office can help organizations comply with the GDPR's accountability requirements.
The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) announced its plans for 2020-2024 this week and stressed that the EU needs digital solidarity and to make data work for all people across Europe’s borders.
Ireland's data protection commission confirmed last week it planned to fine a state agency €75,000 for violating the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR.
Data protection authorities around the world are reiterating that in most scenarios, data protection laws do not stand in the way of the provision of healthcare and the management of public health issues.